
  • AutoMapper - NullSubstitution

    Sometimes you may want to provide default values if there are null values for a member in the source. Automapper has got a NullSubstitute method in configuration to specify a value for a memeber having null value.


    NullSubstitute("<provide default value for null>"


    var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
                        cfg.CreateMap<ModelData, ViewModel>()
    						.ForMember(dest => dest.Name, opt => opt.NullSubstitute("Default Name"));

  • AutoMapper - Dynamic & ExpandoObjects

    Automapper supports dynamic and ExpandoObjects and will map to/from without any additional configuration. In the example given below, mapping is done from a ExpandoObject(viewModel) to an instance of ModelData class(model)

    The members for the source are dynamically created and AutoMapper maps it properly without any explicit configuration. You can see that which create the configuration object have an empty lambda expression.

    using System;
    using AutoMapper;
    using System.Dynamic;
    namespace AutoMapperSamples.Configuration
        namespace AutoMapperSample
            public class ModelData
                public string Name { get; set; }
                public DateTime StartedOn { get; set; }
            public class TestAutoMapper
                public static void Main()
                    dynamic viewModel = new ExpandoObject();
                    viewModel.Name = "Bridge Construction";
                    viewModel.StartedOn = DateTime.Now;
                    var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { });
                    var model = new ModelData { StartedOn = DateTime.Now, Name = "Bridge Construction" };
                    model = config.CreateMapper().Map<modeldata>(viewModel);
                    Console.WriteLine("\nName " + model.Name);
                    Console.WriteLine("\nStart Date " + model.StartedOn);


  • AutoMapper - Property/Field Filtering

    By default Automapper will try to map not only public properties but also public fields found in source and destination.

    using System;
    using AutoMapper;
    namespace AutoMapperSamples.Configuration
        namespace AutoMapperSample
            public class ModelData
                public string Name { get; set; }
                public DateTime StartedOn { get; set; }
                public string Location;
            public class ViewModel
                public string Name { get; set; }
                public DateTime StartedOn { get; set; }
                public string Location;
            public class TestAutoMapper
                public static void Main()
                    var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
                        cfg.CreateMap<ModelData, ViewModel>();
                    var model = new ModelData { StartedOn = DateTime.Now, Name = "Bridge Construction", Location = "India" };
                    var viewModel = config.CreateMapper().Map<viewmodel>(model);
                    Console.WriteLine("\nName " + viewModel.Name);
                    Console.WriteLine("\nStart Date " + viewModel.StartedOn);
                    Console.WriteLine("\nLocation " + viewModel.Location);

    In this example Location is a public field and it will also get mapped automatically.


  • AutoMapper - Working with prefix and postfix

    Another configuration option we have is for recognizing prefixes or postfixes in the member names. In some scenarios we may have a prefix or postfix for all the properties in the source model and it's not there in the destination model. This cannot be handled by the default mapping rules in AutoMapper. For that we have RecognizePrefixes and RecognizePostfixes method in the MapperConfiguration class where we can specify postfix or prefix. If AutoMapper finds the prefix/postfix in the members in source instanace then it will be discarded and if it found a match in the destination instance then maps correctly.

    Syntax - Prefix

    RecognizePrefixes("<prefix name>");

    Syntax - Postfix

    RecognizePrefixes("<postfix name>");


    Sample Code - Prefix

    var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
         cfg.CreateMap<ModelData, ViewModel>();

    Sample Code - Postfix

    var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>

    cfg.CreateMap<ModelData, ViewModel>();

  • AutoMapper - Replacing Member Names

    Another feature available in AutoMapper is the ability to replace characters or the complete name in the source member name while doing the mapping. This will become helpful when you deal with member names having different spelling or some special characters in it. It's normally done during the configuration for mapping and needs to do only once.


    ReplaceMemberName("<orignial member name>","<matching property name>");

     var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
    cfg.ReplaceMemberName("StartedOn", "Started_On");
    cfg.ReplaceMemberName("Name", "FirstName");

    cfg.CreateMap<ModelData, ViewModel>();

    Here we are doing couple of replacements, one for adding a underscore to Started_On property and second one for completely using a new name for the property. One thing to note here is that you should specify the replacements before the CreateMap statement otherwise it will you invalid mapping exception at runtime.

  • AutoMapper - Profiles

    Profiles is another great feature from AutoMapper which helps you to mappings and it comes in handy when we need to apply different mapping rules for the same object. Let's take the case of a DateTime field being mapped to a String field and the requirements can be different based on the business requirements .

    In the below example I have a source model which has got a DateTime field and the destination model with a string property. In one instance I needs to show the data in mm/dd/yyyy format and another case I need to show only month and year.

    using System;
    using AutoMapper;
    namespace AutoMapperSamples.Configuration
        namespace Profiles
            public class DateTimeProfile1 : Profile
                protected override void Configure()
                    CreateMap<DateTime, String>().ConvertUsing<DateTimeToString1TypeConverter>();
            public class DateTimeProfile2 : Profile
                protected override void Configure()
                    CreateMap<DateTime, String>().ConvertUsing<DateTimeToString2TypeConverter>();
            public class DateTimeToString1TypeConverter : ITypeConverter<DateTime, String>
                public string Convert(ResolutionContext context)
                    return DateTime.Parse(((object)context.SourceValue).ToString()).ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy");
            public class DateTimeToString2TypeConverter : ITypeConverter<DateTime, String>
                public string Convert(ResolutionContext context)
                    return DateTime.Parse(((object)context.SourceValue).ToString()).ToString("MMMM - yyyy");
            public class Model1
                public DateTime StartedOn { get; set; }
            public class ViewModel
                public String StartedOn { get; set; }
            public class TestProfile
                public static void Main()
                    var config1 = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
                        cfg.CreateMap<Model1, ViewModel>();
                    var config2 = new MapperConfiguration(cfg1 =>
                        cfg1.CreateMap<Model1, ViewModel>();
                    var model1 = new Model1{ StartedOn = DateTime.Now};
                    var viewModel1 = config1.CreateMapper().Map<ViewModel>(model1);
                    viewModel2 = config2.CreateMapper().Map< ViewModel>(model1);

  • AutoMapper - Custom Type Converters

    Another scenario where AutoMapper cannot do default mapping is when the types of the properties in both source and destination classes are different. Even though the names are same, there is no way AutoMapper can proceed in cases such as from String to Int32 or DateTime. If try to do mapping then AutoMapper will throw exception at the time of configuration or at the time of mapping itself.

    This problem can be solved using the Custom Type Converters available in AutoMapper. We can create custom type converters by extending the ITypeConverter interface and provide the logic needed for converting the source to the destination

  • AutoMapper - Updating Instances

    So far in this series we were dealing with mappings only with new instances of the source and destination classes. Automapper can also be used to do mapping for existing instances also, meaning instances that have data already in it before mapping. Typical example of this sceanario happens when we edit information, at that time our source will be the edited data and the destination data will be one stored in the data store.

  • AutoMapper - Projections

    So far we saw how to do mapping between simple objects that have same name and same type using AutoMapper. In the last post, I have explained the use of MapFrom method to do a custom mapping by concatnating values from two properties. In some case we may need to map properties between two fields with different property names and AutoMapper will be unable to do the mapping by default. Here also we are going to use the MapFrom method to determin which field needs to be picked up from the source for mapping the value in the destination object.

  • AutoMapper - Conditional Mapping

    Automapper has got another feature called conditional mapping which provides you to do mapping based on conditions. For example if you have a custom mapping for FullName property which uses FirstName and properties of source instance. In that case you want to make sure that these two fields are not null or whitespace, otherwise it will produce some undesirable results as shown in the example below.


  • AutoMapper - Custom Mapping

    Up untill now we have gone various examples using AutoMapper that was doing one-to-one mapping. But there may arise some scenarios where we need to apply some custom logic for doing the mapping. We can do that in AutoMapper in multiple ways, one way of doing that is using ResolveUsing method while creating a map

  • AutoMapper - Ignoring Properties

    In this post I will show you how to ignore properties from getting mapped automatically by AutoMapper. Suppose if both the source and destination has got a property with same name, but is used for representing different information, in that case we definitly not want the property to be mapped automatically. We can configure this while creating the mapping in AutoMapper as follows.


    var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { 
        cfg.CreateMap<Source, Destination>().ForMember(x =>x.DestinationPropertyName, opt => opt.Ignore());


    var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { 
        cfg.CreateMap<Person, PersonVM>().ForMember(x =>x.Name, opt => opt.Ignore());

    Since AutoMapper supports FluentAPI, you will be able to call ForMember methods multiple time if you ignore more than one property

    var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { 
    cfg.CreateMap<Foo, FooCopy>()
    .ForMember(x =>x.Name, opt => opt.Ignore())
    .ForMember(x => x.Age , opt => opt.Ignore() );

    In this example, while creating the mapping I have added the ForMember method to ignore the Name property while doing the mapping. If you look at the output window you can see that the value for Name is empty even though the property in the source instance has value in it

    It will be a tedious procedure if we want to ignore a significant amount of properties from getting mapped automatically. So if you ever face that scenario do consider creating an extention class like the one below which ignores the properties based on data attribute specified in the model

  • Getting Started With AutoMapper

    Automapper is an utility library designed for object-to-object mapping. Let's take the case of mapping columns in a data table to its equivalent business entity, we will have to manually write code for mapping each of these columns and assume if there are a lot of entities, it's quite boring as well as creates redundant code. Some bright minds in the industry took note of it and set to solve the problem by automating it and thus AutoMapper was born. 

    First of all you need to install AutoMapper package, which can be done from the Package Manager Console using the following statement

    PM> Install-Package AutoMapper

    Let's create a simple program to do a basic mapping procedure.

    1. Create a map which indicates the mapping flow for automapper.

    var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
    cfg.CreateMap<Source type, Destination type>();

    IMapper mapper = config.CreateMapper(); 

      Suppose if you want to convert from class A to class B, then your mapping statement will be like 

    var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
    cfg.CreateMap<A, B>();

    IMapper mapper = config.CreateMapper();

    2. The actual mapping happens when we call the Mapper.Map function

    var destinationObj =  mapper.Map<Source type>(Source instance);

    Eg: var bObj = mapper.Map<A>(aObj);

  • Introduction to AutoMapper

    In our daily life as developers, we sometimes do some sort of repetitive coding that can be avoided by some sort of automation. Automapper is one such utility which helps developers to mapping of properties from one object to another. Typical examples for this scenario includes mapping of Domain entity to a DTO(Data Transfer Objects) , Model to a ViewModel. Normally this sort of mapping occurs at the boundary between the layers where we need to transfer data, say from Data Layer to Business Layer or from Business Layer to Presentation Layer. 

    In this example we have a class called Product which is a domain entity and we have another class called ProductViewModel which is a subset of the domain entity. So to transfer the data from the domain entity to the view model class we are manually mapping the properties one by one in line #17. The major drawbacks of these apporach are